Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Kena audit the other day - people compren I no smile enuff.

I look serious if I need to treat you stat.

What's creepy is that I was audited by 3 people at one go. Verli suay kia. But the review was OK just that I felt the reviewer should have done some homework before she decided to kena me - she decided to call it quits after i asked 3 questions. Dun @#$ with OJ.

I wonder if there 's a recent change in MOs or HOs or not? There seems to be a tonne of intervention to do until the patient had to wait wait wait. Then the poor dispensing pharmacist had to kena big time some time.

Had to correct doses, sometime they any how shoot one drug onto the script. Some time they forgot to sign or chop or follow some part of the legal requirements for the script. Some times they never ask the patient enough about their current state of health - only when the patient comes to the dispensing bench then we had to correct and the patient wait some one.

May be this is the value for pharmacist - we are the guardians of the medicine cupboard. But we need patients to be their namesake - patient.

Pre-reg is a very testing time:
- your speed
- your alertness
- your pharmacology
- your pharmacotherapeutics
- your communication skills
- your Hokkien
- your Teochew
- your Malay
- your Sign Language (I had a couple of audio-impaired patients and I oni know a little bit of American sign - so ended up very grateful to some drug company for its very nice gift of scribble pads)
- your Mandarin
- your Canto
- your charm
- your negotiation skills
- your luck

blah blah blah

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