Saturday, August 11, 2007

Cattleya intermedia

Another couple of JO's plants

var. aquinii

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Then the blue blue var coerulea (how come colour neber come out one har?)

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Cynoches barthiorum

Wah liao ehz! 35 flowers. JO's bat crap fertiliser should be a banned steroid.

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Mine from Jumbo oni got 5 flowers but I cheated by placing the plant in my office to allow the flower size and colour develop fully. Today open red red - need to bring camera on Monday to snap. And no CT, the plant is mine!!! Grow your herrenhausum sui sui first hor.

Or Horrrrr tell donor wrong thing!

I've donated my 33rd time today in a very crowded HSA. Got some special event were the Burd Bank was celebrating it's birthday. The lunch time horde was fed by the Vegetarian Society of Singapore. Neber asked them if they are paeso, lacto, ovo or vegan. I'm a meatarian - eating there was against my religion. Also neber met ah kwan there also.

Anywayz, my eyes opened big big when one missy tell patients to take iron before food. Then I check what was printed on the iron tablet packet was really take before food. I neber took their iron supplements before (for the obvious reasons - male and a weekly diet of BCM), so neber realised until today. The Staff told me the advice from the Doc was take between meals and with juice - orange juice best.

Patients when they see take before food: to them means to take on empty stomach. Neber eat food after that neber mind. Lidat, I confirm you doing Taiji Quan on the royal throne for a nong nong time. Imagine euu do this 3x a year or more - self penetration (trans into Mandarin plox) will confirm happen one and when happen, will be happening.

Donors' compliance most important if not all medicine in times of need become poison when taken the wrong way w/o pharmacist advice.

Anyway here's OJ's advice for Fe Fumarate:

- Take with or after food. If got stomach irritation, do the latter
- Take with vitamin C or vitamin C rich foods to increase absorption
- Drink more water
- The key is that the more Fe you absorb, the less constipation you have
- If you on an empty stomach, the chances is the Fe2+ becomes Fe3+ and ur body won't be able to absorb and you get your constipation resulting.
- Your crap come out brack coror neber mind but should return to normal coror once you finished the course
- Come back for your next donation when you are ready and have a nice day.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

"I'm a doctor"/"I'm a nurse"

Well, it doesn't tell me that you can do a grab and go. It tells me that I can use jargon during my drug counselling.

It's my responsibility to do drug counselling and I appreciate that the other medical professions accept that. Unless you are doing some abusive bulk buy to lug overseas, I'll find it pointless to do drug counselling as how much can you remember from a list of 10+ drugs?

A lot of pharmacists are doing a "so since you are a nurse/doctor, so you know how to take your medicine hor?" Lidat, aren't they relieving themselves of the duties of a pharmacist? We educate patients - if we allow grab and go-es, won't patients want that too? It really brings the locally accepted point that we are shopkeepers and not drug therapists. In this way, more doctors will give drugs without our intervention and drug counselling and the same goes for the nurses who may do not feel a need for us as pharmacotherapists.

Even if they filled in blank cheque for their medicine, I make it a point to clarify their medications, serious A/E, potential hazards and right way of taking. Don't be surprised that some doctors and nurses will have their eyes opened wide wide during such counselling sessions. Same applies for pharmacists who are not familiar with the medication dispensed.

So, even though you are a doctor or nurse, do me a favour by not merely saying that "I'm a doctor/nurse. I know how to take my medicine." Let me do my job and give you a thorough and full drug counselling - unless it's a repeat prescription or you have been taking it for a nong nong nong time then would I stop short of a fullblown counselling session.

As pharmacists, we ought not to be pushed over by such statements but exercise our right to professional judgement and professional execution of tasks that are specific to our profession. In this way, take full responsibility in hope that it will become our right.