Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Wah liao eh

A few days no do drug counselling already seeing oneself off the mark liaoz.

I need practice if not I'll start muttering jibberish in front of the patient.

My new rotation seems very interesting. Interventions largely done by the pharmacists while the PTs do nearly totally technical work. Very often they prefer to leave the higher level work for the pharmacist. Checking of doses are more controlled and stricter. A lot of HOs prescribing @@@@@@@ and can be a headache at times when they are too yaya until we have to call the MO or the registrar or the consultant. They need a gentle notice that they do not do pharmacotherapy in skool not like the pharmacists. A lot of delays.

Not so fast paced but very intensive. <3 the sign that one of the senior pharmacist placed on the dispensing window:

"90% of medication errors are due to interruptions"

More peace to do our clinical work and less interruptions and other nonsense.

I really feel sorry for the Missy and Mister students who have to act as kah kia for the RNs - have to run up and down to the pharmacy to collect meds - my advice to them, bring a note pad just in case got some things you need to convey or you need to remember bed number =/

Met a nurse who likes to feed me alhabet soup and one super kang jiong MO who did something really unprofessional - he used his consultant's name to press our pharmacist down. That consultant is caring and nice - way to go to bring down the consultant's reputation. I really recommend that MO to have a sit in with the pharmacists so as to understand what we are going through and our workflow. Never gave us proper notice in therapeutic changes then start nagging away. Quit watching too much House - we are not pushovers - we are crossovers.

Badly need company for dinner on Sat. If not I'll face the four concrete walls of DDMS again. YYY they all on call or fasting @@

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