Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Commencement liaoz

All decked out in blue and lilac, the pharmacy graduants stand out from the crowd. To add on, our valedictorian had scores of prizes and very emo, matured and touching speech that we stood up and gave a round of applause for. nearly cried.

Left after snapping a few pics with friends, classmates and profs. Then I siamed. Apologies to the profs whom I did not have a chance to catch up with.

I abhor ceremonies and crowded events though. It is hard to catch hold of the people you want to speak to either ebcause it's very disorganised or they are occupied with others. Anyway, I've got their contact numbers and next time we can meet again - like during our DnD I refer to have small group meetings rather than a huge event where everyone's fighting against the background noise.

Hoped to stay in touch with them real soon as I escaped abruptly. I personally felt that I'm nothing to llok at thus camera-shy.

Sianz - tomorrow go back to work to face the roaring crowd again. Please be gentle with the pharmacists

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