Monday, October 22, 2007

Sometimes I so envy the HOs

Pre-reg pharmacists can pull hair out some times. Suicidal thots lurking.

We got vivas, projects, presentations for individual topics, group discussions after work, journal club, case presentations.

Nearly fainted when my HO friend just call their stint day-to-day. No tests, no project, just evaluation by consultant once the rotation finish... The pharmacy people are being pushed to the limits for the miserable pay packet.

Being on-call has no difference to me since I've been sleeping 4-5hours a day eversince I stepped into pre-reg. Also stay until so late in the hospital that it make no sense to leave it when you only reach home close to midnight. Well, at least the HOs got their duty room to zzz. Too much research, too little time.

Had to camp in DDMs quite a while to clear my casenotes for my antibiotic study.

Poor time management is also on my part where I do not know how to prioritise. Too much effort on my project to the point where I lose contact with my core topics. Compounded with the LOS that is making lose my memory. More forgetful as the days pass - try to memorise more then get LOS then try to memorise more the LOS then forget everything again. Memory getting so bad that I some times forget who I worked with at the last rotation.

For the miserable 1.2 k take home pay after sloughing for 4 years in the uni, I wonder if it was the right path to start with. Too much effort for too little material returns, even though it is psychologically fulfilling at times. But then , no one works for free. Home at 2330 and out by 0730 - where got time for social life?

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