Saturday, May 26, 2007

Was too busy and tired

the past 3 weeks do update blog regularly, but now a bit more free as I've gathered most of my info for my lit updates.

Things can really get haywire when doing reviews for medicinal herbs specially when you are taxonomically inclined. You have to refute or add on more info based on the current standing of a plant's taxa. Darn all the taxanomists some times. Life would be more easier if we were more naïve.

Manged to sneak a bit of midnight gardening here and there, which will soom be non-existent once I start work at the only hospital here with a MacD's within.

Was tired out yesterday with the trip to the JB orchid show followed by a trip down to WL to get gardening suppliers. Well known instigator me got people spending more $$$ in WL than at the JB show. Anyway my balcony is overfloweth with 2 more slipper flasks to pecah and 4 bags of plants to cut open. Overdid my ordering but who cares? it's graduation present in lieu of an overseas trip =p Was tripping when I popped over to Sim Lim to check prices of the PDAs and Acer seems to be a good buy. *think think think* - some people were wondering what the pakis i was dragging around was for. Said something weird to a pretty prudential gal. Life's upside down.

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