Monday, June 25, 2007

Wah liaoz ehz

Yyyyy today so siong?! All the chewren shoulda gone back to school. Then one huge mob of gynae patients flood in =.=

Hit about 500 by noon. Constant stream of people - losing voice until one momma had to lean close to me to listen to me.

Bad time for me to do triage - couldn't cope with the mob. Had a whole bunch of people asking for OTCs and I'm still a bit noob with OTCs. I think tomorrow I should take a break from triage and do the extempo liaoz. Need to do at least 2.

One patient wanted return but then meds > 3months post dispensing liaoz. Even the meds changed colour liaoz.

May be I'm the zhao cai mao - I stand there scripts come in. Eeeeee

Brain's busted until so many people said I looked tired when I was collecting my gown - lilac purple trimmings ^^. So special. My fave crochet cotton colour.


Vagifem ok for lactating ladies as it's localised in vagina.
Dimetapp as an antihistamine mix (brompheramine + pseudoepi) but polaramine is the preferred knock out drug
Gentamicin in chewren infusion approx 2-3 mg/kg
Promethazine syr can be used up to tds although it stated bd

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